Citrine, Carnelian, & Amethyst: Making Things Crystal Clear

Citrine: This sunny yellow/orange crystal instantly raises your vibe and assists you in manifesting your wildest dreams, brings financial abundance into your life, activates your deepest levels of creativity, unlocks your personal power and confidence, makes huge, positive changes in your life, surrounds you with good luck and it's bright sunny color lights you up with joy from the inside out! Citrine leaves you feeling confident, radiant and open to success!
How to connect with citrines' powerful energy: Hold citrine in your hands, close your eyes, speak your dreams and desires into the crystal (out loud or in your mind) allow citrine to work it's magic! Practice this each morning and night for best results. Bring citrine with you anytime you need a bit of luck!
Carnelian: This mysterious, spicy stone holds the key to to your magical, sexual, life force energy, releases your highest levels of creativity and passion, improves your sex life, increases confidence levels, lets your self expression run wild, brings your innermost desires to the surface and assists you in creating your dream life!
Amethyst: This extremely powerful stone activates your intuition, deeply soothes and relaxes you, decreases stress and anxiety, helps you to handle difficult situations with ease, improves sleep, protects you from negative energy, enhances meditation and yoga practices, assists you in breaking bad habits and helps you to end toxic cycles and relationships. Amethyst leaves you feeling calm, focused and ready to handle anything!
How to tap into amethyst's powerful energy: Sleep with amethyst on your nightstand to help you sleep & protect you from nightmares, keep it on your work desk to reduce stress, place amethyst around your house to protect your home from negativity and keep amethyst with you during any difficult time to keep you calm, focused and protected.
*Written by Gina of Goddess Crystals Shop on behalf of the SCC x GCS collaboration.